- We finished this week's puzzle quickly. (24:33)
- We both enjoyed the theme and the execution of the theme.
- It's nice, I guess, to know that there are enough "Funny Amy"s with precisely seven letters in their last names (POEHLER, SEDARIS, SCHUMER) that one really has to struggle with the clue.
- This puzzle included the word "SWOLE." So.
First Fritz out!
Allie in. Should I take a hint about how "exhaustive" my lists are? Should this be the end of the post?
Haha! Of course not! ONWARD!
Clues I especially liked! Yay!
- I think it's a little unfair to use Game of Thrones clues multiple weeks in a row, but I benefit from it! Not only was IMPS easy enough, JAPES is one of GRRM's favorite Tyrion words. Which drives me crazy. I hate that guy and his stupid addicting books.
- I liked the cluing of Uncle Sam/GOATEED.
- TACOS/GUACAMOLE cross. Happy belated Cinco de Mayo!
- BASELINE VASELINE was certainly my favorite themer.
- Shout out to EMERSON, where my talented sister-in-law Marissa went.
- Took us forever to get ACTUALSIZE for Not blown up. Cute.
I'm too young for this $h*t
- Abie's Irish Rose, which was an audience success and a critical failure, apparently. The Fate of the Furious (aka Fast and Furious 8) of its day.
- Can we spell go-kart with a c? (That's c for cart, not co-kart.)
- Can we spell schnozz with one z?
Things I learned today:
- LBO is a Wall St Thing. (Leveraged buyout. Uncle Dicky, if you are ready this, I'm sorry.)
- MIR means peace in Russian. I thought it just meant space station.
- Kachina dolls are from the Hopi people.
- Xian is the home of the Terra Cotta Army. I looked this up and it's pretty amazing. Seems like a good travel goal.
Things I have learned from previous crossword puzzles:
- DORAG. A rapper topper. I mean, I knew what a do-rag was before I started this blog, but I now store it in the part of my brain reserved for crosswordese. I keep it next to EOS. And across from AGLET.
- No French here? We did get Spanish and Italian though, which are all basically the same.
- Wait there was one! MADAME. Come on though, everyone knows that. I'm not special.
- Also, "The Adventures of Alix" is a French comic book. But I didn't know this. Check out this picture from Wikipedia though: sign me up!